CMD Prompt here, add to folder context menu windows xp
add the open cmd prompt to folder context menus
also drives and My Computer
copy what's in the code area to notepad and save as cmd here.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Command Prompt"
@="cmd.exe /k \"cd %L\""
@="Command Prompt"
@="cmd.exe /k \"cd %L\""
@="Command Prompt"
@="cmd.exe /k \"cd %L\""
I have already learned that I can put the program into my SendTo folder and have it appear under the "Send To" menu. That is not the solution I'm looking for, since I want it to appear in the top-level context menu (which appears right after when you right-click on a file.
I never noticed any difference, but however; to change the way the start menu looks and acts right click the taskbar and click properties, then go into start menu and change either from XP-Style to Classical or the opposite way around.
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