Fitness for School-Aged Kids

Fitness for School-Aged Kids

Does your child run, play, and move for at least 60 minutes a day? That's how much moderate to vigorous physical activity school-aged kids and adolescents need to stay fit and healthy. Short bursts of 10 to 15 minutes count toward this daily tally, so make sure your child has lots of opportunities to get moving.
At School

Academics are important, but so is finding time for fitness. When kids have the chance to run and play at recess, they focus more (and fidget less) during class. Physical education (PE) provides another opportunity to move during the school day. It also exposes kids to new sports and games, and introduces important health habits.

But not every child gets enough recess and PE time:

* Only 8% of elementary schools provide daily physical education.
* In 12-17% of public elementary schools, kids don't have recess every day.

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education, among other groups, recommends at least 150 minutes of PE a week for elementary schoolers—that means an average of 30 minutes a day. The association also urges schools to schedule at least one 20-minute recess period every day. If your child's school doesn't meet these goals, ask the principal or school board to consider changes—and look for ways to help your child stay active outside of school hours.
At the Park, Playing Field, or Pool

By early elementary school—age 6 or 7—most kids have the physical coordination and attention span, plus the ability to grasp rules, which they need to play organized sports. A few years later—between ages 10 and 12—most can handle the added pressure of competitive team sports.

Look for classes and recreational leagues that stress fitness, skill-building, fair play, and most of all, fun. Ask your child what sports he's interested in, and give him the opportunity to try many different activities. You both might be surprised at what he's good at and loves to do!


teeth whitening sydney 06 January, 2010 07:07  

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